- 1. particular demands of sieve / size / length will be available at premium on the price qouted
- 2. DiamondTradeCentre is a portal, channelizing the sales and purchase of natural diamonds.
- 3. We are a portal where sellers can list their diamond, but how ever we are not giving any guarantee of the availability of the goods.
- 4. In case of certified diamonds , DiamondTradeCentre is giving direct access and information of the seller to the buyer including the contact details. So we are not responsible for any disputes arising from the same.
- 5. We are charging Zero subscription fees. It is free of charge to use.Although if the deal is finalized through DiamondTradeCentre, a service charge of 1 percent is charged to the buyer and seller.
- 6. We are not responsible for any errors and ommision on the website.
- 7. we will require kyc for the registration on the portal